Eyes see broken worlds, Broken lives…
Lives without purpose, lives without drive
Always plugged in, eyes down starring Blankly at glowing Screens,
Disconnected from Reality, Defined by others’ storylines…..
Storylines that headline their “real life”, compared to other status, post and lies.
And we wonder why mental illness is on the rise?
When all we do is compare and envy people we barley know.
Knowingly calling them friends, but mere acquaintances are some, some we’ve never even met, but we accept….
So that our friend numbers go up, while our true friends fall by the wayside of our now computerized, illiterate and dumb-downed lives.
Tea’s Black, Ice Cold, No Fear…Fearing things no one hears
Eyes see broken worlds, Broken lives
Lives without purpose, lives without drive
Empty parks and swings that do not move.
Movement only occurs, through virtual lives… played on video games,
So they can be the hero, never having to imagine what a true hero is
So imagination dies, and when you take away the computers, phones and games
Children are left wondering what to do.
What to do with parents who are still locked in to screens, meetings, phone calls, anything, and everything but what their child needs. No bed time stories, no kisses goodnight, the words “I love you” are replaced with……silence
And that’s when their insignificance becomes realized, as the suicide rates go up and crimes committed by unconscious minds.
Hearts with no remorse, because in the video games if it all goes wrong, you just hit the reset button and start over again.
Tea’s Black, Ice Cold, No Fear…Fearing things no one hears
Eyes see broken worlds, Broken lives
Lives without purpose, lives without drive
Where a dad would rather watch a game on TV, then go out and teach his son or daughter to play
Where a mom is so focused on the image portrayed in magazines she doesn’t even notice her son has a drug problem, while her daughter starves and cuts herself….Both just trying to ease the pain.
The pain of neglect, the pain of no consciousness, the pain of trying to be who their friends tell them to be; and when the pain gets too strong they’ve no where to turn, for that lesson they’ve already learned.
Turning then to the only thing they know, they dive deeper into computer screens, numbing the mind,…..but a mind only stays numb for so long.
And when the pain returns ten fold with voices screaming in their minds, they turn to no one, because they’ve already learned….they are 2nd & 3rd to phones, meetings, and digital friends online.
Tea’s Black, Ice Cold, No Fear…Fearing things no on hears
Eyes see broken worlds, Broken lives
Lives without purpose, lives without drive
Divorce rates climb as communication deteriorates, where it’s easier to give up then work through the pain, an accepted part of today’s society
Entitlement Reigns……..work ethics are something of the past
Now instead of building each other up, we beat each other down, because it’s more normal To Get, than to lift someone up, even at the expense of ourselves
So up and down the ride goes, until you finally look up sick, unable to focus, and wonder where the time has gone.
No memories of your kids youth, you were too busy making all that money for which now there is no use. You have everything you ever wanted, fancy cars, a big house, giant TV’s to play your games, and digital device of the newest kind.
But you’ve no one left….
The house is empty, your husband or wife is gone, children who won’t call you mom or dad, because you gave up on them..
a life that could have been, if you could have put down the phone and put the memories in your mind, instead of in a virtual cloud online.