Let’s consider what a fifth wheel is and does. Sure, it rides unnoticed through out our travels, dirty and underused. Most the time it does not shine. Instead, the dirt we have not washed off shadows it, and masks it’s beauty. We rarely “take care” of it; it is left to defend itself from foreign objects that attack it without warning. It is made to endure through harsh conditions, when everything else is strapped in and kept warm. It is underestimated, forgotten and often, considered less important than the other four wheels. Most of us probably even forget that we may need it someday.
I think, this is what makes it the most special, important, and strong wheel of all. It gets us out of trouble when we are stuck. It doesn’t need to shine all the time, but when it does, it’s more brilliant than we could have ever imagined. When one tire fails it fills in without hesitation. It does not look for accolades or support, instead it shoulders the weight of what is broken, and takes the hits in order for everyone else to make it to safety. A fifth wheel is in fact one of the most underrated, taken for granted, and beat up friends we have. It is our savior, when the chips are down. And after it has served its purpose, it willingly goes back to being just that, a fifth wheel. A guardian of sorts, waiting and ready for the next time it is needed.
So, the next time you think you are a fifth wheel, remember just how important you truly are. Not everyone can be the fifth wheel; it takes someone special, with unique character, and unwavering perseverance. But if you are the fifth wheel, stop looking at the fact that you are not always in use the way others think you should be. Because when the time comes and they need you, they will wonder how they ever got along without you; and they will see just how special you truly are.